Monday, October 22, 2012

Lab -Rockin' & Rollin'

Sedimentary - Limestone:

Limestone is mostly made up of Calcite and Aragonite. It tends to contain fossil remains of small organisms like coral. Most caves are made up of Limestone and it makes up around 10% of all sedimentary rocks. Limestone can also be used in building projects.

Igneous - Granite:

Granite consists mostly of Mica, Quartz, and Feldspar. By definition, it must contain at least 20% Quartz. The stone is always massive and very sturdy, making it ideal for many construction projects requiring a tough foundation e.g. Granite counter tops. It can be several different colors, depending on the minerals contained within the rock, most notably the amount of Feldspar which determines if it is white or pink.

Metamorphic - Gneiss:

Gneiss is mostly made up of Mica, Chlorite, and similar minerals. It is metamorphosed from igneous rocks. Because of this, there are several different types of Gneiss, such as Bioite Gneiss, Albite Gneiss, etc., all of which comes from these igneous rocks.

Soil Texture Diagram

Twelve Soil Orders of the World

The dominant soil orders in this MLRA are Ultisols, Inceptisols, and Alfisols. The soils in the area dominantly have a thermic soil temperature regime, a udic soil moisture regime, and kaolinitic or mixed mineralogy. They are shallow to very deep, generally well drained, and loamy or clayey. Hapludalfs (Enon and Wilkes series), Hapludults (Badin, Nason, and Tatum series), and Kanhapludults (Appling, Cecil, Georgeville, Herndon, Madison, Pacolet, and Wedowee series) formed in residuum on hills and ridges. Dystrudepts (Chewacla series) formed in alluvium on flood plains. Udults in the Rhodic subgroup (Davidson, Hiwassee, and Lloyd series) formed in old alluvium on stream terraces or in residuum derived from mafic rocks.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lab: Plants of Mercer

Bush/Shrub: Lora Petalum

Tree: Yoshino Cherry

Flower: Daylilies

Bush/Shrub: Itea

Tree: Pecan Tree

Flower: Marigold

Bush/Shrub: Crepe Myrtle

Tree: Magnolia Grandiflora

Flower: Chrysanthemum

Measuring a Tree

Tree 1: 1900cm + 155cm = 2055cm = 20.55 m tall
Tree 2: 2660cm + 155cm = 2815cm = 28.15 m tall